Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Curse you all..... :)

There are some people who are busy doing nothing important in life.... Yet they don't have time to view my blog... Curse them all.....Yes I'm talking about you....only YOU...Yes YOU... Feeling guilty???? Quickly post a comment & even if you are not feeling so be good and comment.... God bless your busy souls....


devjit said...

good so u are also suffering from 0 comment phobia. it happens. do not worry u shall soon get over it.
till then comment on everyone's blog possible. soon u shall be having 100 comments daily.
till then carry on commenting.

Jitzomnia said...

hmmmm...dont wory...it hapens...my readership had becum zero onekdin age...tao post kortam,but nw im smply out of words as far as my blog is concernd...otherwis coments di...but tui regular post na likhle kikore coment debo?wen i chek i find the sam ol post...coz v arent as regular as v used to b...nwz ...dont wory as debu says the coments wil soon drop in