Friday, December 02, 2005

A naive approach to the Universe

This is a tribute to the most exciting topic I have ever encountered.... The cosmos.... What is this universe? When was it created(born)?What is the eventual fate of this Universe?
To begin with I would give in a nutshell what this universe is.... The universe contrary to common notion isn't the solar system. It isn't the Milky Way either. Added to these the Universe consists of thousands(underestimsted approximation) of galaxies like the Milky Way.... Infact the Milky Way is one of the smallest galaxies..... The universe also is the home of zillions of stars like the Sun....Quasars,pulsars,nebulae,asteroids,comets&black holes..... The size of the universe is a matter of imagination & the better imagination you have the better is your estimate of its size.... Hence in short the Universe is the place which houses the seen & the unseen......
The birth of the universe is a matter which is highly debated though scientists have started to believe in the Theory of Big Bang which I'll discuss later....A group of scientists believe that the Universe was not "born"...It has been there always.....Well that leaves us with the conjecture that a supreme power is instrumental in the workings or atleast the "birth" of the universe..... The other group of scientists believe that everything that is present in the universe today was compressed in a "ball of energy"....This energy became so great that the "ball of energy" exploded & the present day universe was created..... Hence the name "big bang"....
The ultimate end of the universe is also unknown.... Some believe it will contract again & form the "ball" like state again..... Some others believe that the Universe will keep on expanding ( it is expanding,i.e. it is growing in size, at this present moment) forever.......
But let us forget these things & wonder what is their beyond the boundaries of the universe? You can imagin it in steps..... What is their outside your room? To keep it short, you have the entire world..... What is their outside the world? We have the sun,planets & their satellites..... What's beyond that? Well let us stretch our imagination & say there are more such collections of planets & stars.... For those who are inventive enough let me add a few more things that's not perceivable to human mind.... Done... Now let us say we have continued this process for a long time & are now on the edge of the universe.... Where do we go now???? What is beyond this boundary.... Everything we can imagine is inside the boundary!! What is outside it????? Have we ever thought???? I don't think so & we don't intend to either..... Let the mystery remain.... Somethings are best left unanswered..... If answered the aura is lost..... Let not the spirit of explanation kill the spirit of imagination.... Till then imagine.....

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