He wasn't exactly the person to get bored with life...... He wasn't even the person to think about boredom.... But life did amazing things to him.... The dilapidated buildings & the often dirty paths were once heaven to him.... He was so happy.... But good things never last for long.... The buildings have changed & so have the people in it.... The paths are cleaner but not for him.... He is unsure of what he does.... Rarely does he think now coz thoughts are not as pleasant as they used to be.... He has started to feel claustrophobic even in open air..... May be all his openness is forcing him back into his shell.... But alas he has lost his shell!!! He lies there unprotected & uncared for..... He has numerous aquantainces but rarely are they receptive to his feelings.... His laughter has lost its ring & what remains is hollowness.... He wants things to change.... For better.... But unfortunately he has changed..... Life has changed him.... He is fighting to stop this mutation.... But it seems to be losing battle.... The end seems near & the paths & the buildings are about to disappear.... Tears have replaced the smile on the Joker's face.... The "LIFE CIRCUS" has left town & he has been left behind.... He doesn't accept defeat.... He waits for a miracle to happen....
remember if the end isnt happy then the story isnt over yet...so before"the end is near n the path seems to disappear"u will def find ppl who will laugh with u n replace the tears wid a smile which will set evrythin straight!!!u dont need a shell...coz we dont want u to enclose urslf dere...we r all there 4 u!!!
the clown looks very sad. is the clown suffering from constipation or is he impotent?
dear clown do not worry happy days are ahead (maybe in a century or so)till then turn the frown upside down.
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